Saturday, August 12, 2006
Soooo True!!
What happens if an insect falls in a cup of coffee:
The British : will throw the cup into the street and leave the coffee shop for good.
The American : will get the insect out and drink the coffee.
The Chinese : will eat the insect and drink the coffee.
The Israeli will : A) Sell the coffee to the American and the insect to the Chinese.
B) Cry on all media channels that he feels insecure.
C) Accuse the Palestinians, Hizb Allah, Syria and Iran of using germ- weapons.
D) Keep on crying about anti-semitism and violations of human rights.
E) Ask the Palestinian President to stop planting insects in the cups of coffee.
F) Re-occupy the West Bank, Gaza Strip.
G) Ask the United States for urgent military support and a loan of one million dollars in order to buy a new cup of coffee.
C) Ask the United Nations to punish the coffee-shop owner by making him offer free coffee to him till the end of the century.
D) Last but not least, accuse the whole world to be standing still, not even sympathizing with the Israeli Nation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


one thing that kept going on in my head while reading it tho is that if you substitute israeli with palestinian/arab, its just as true.

i find that quite sad and yet enlightening at the same time.

ps loved your armenia series, think i'll set that as my destination next summer :P

Blogger Noush0 said...

Well in a way yeah your right I must admit:)If you look at point (C) that is definitely true, if even an earthquake destroys a country they will accuse Syria and Iran!!
Point (G) Although they hate the united states but yet they wont hesitate to ask their help..and once their done they want them out!

Ma3 enno im not into politics and i totally hate discussing politics.

About the articles im so glad that you liked them..and just let me know when your going i`ll tell you where to go and what to do heheh :P
or you might find me there ;)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

true enough altho regarding point C the palestinians did accuse the israelis of using banned weapons in gaza recently.

point G youre right on about. a writer was on the bbc the otherday saying america SHOULD help because it has the power and the influence with israel, and when one guy said they ARE helping, and always have helped a peace agreement, the first guy goes YES! BUT YOURE DOING IT ALL WRONG !

lol again funny and sad :P

will definately pepper you with questions before i go :D

Blogger Noush0 said...

Shunk..thank god israel is accussed once..

"and when one guy said they ARE helping, and always have helped a peace agreement, the first guy goes YES! BUT YOURE DOING IT ALL WRONG!" <----Lol this is sooo true!as they did to IRAQ and still doing!they did all this to free the country from they made it worst!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noush stop copying my articles!....:)

Blogger Noush0 said...

Maze..sowwyy i didnt notice!!its a fwd mail..i liked it which was so true!!!

But yet no problem if im copying this kind of articles at least ppl will see and know more about this stupid ppl nation!

But again its not copied from your blog!!:P

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